Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's Just a dog! You have one already, why would you want another dog? Why waste your money? It's JUST a dog!

Please bear with me as this is long and sort of unorganized.

My husband has been gone for a few weeks working a new job in Virginia. I'm stuck in Georgia until we find a place to live out there. It's not easy being away from him for so long (we're nearing a month now), but it definitely helps that I have the dogs here with me to keep me company. They are my best friends. Yes yes... I hear it from people all the time. But Amber, they're just dogs. Trust me, I've heard it thousands of times. My response? They are not just a dog. They are my dogs. They are there for me in times when no human being is. When I'm feeling down and depressed, it's the snuggle or simple touch of a wet nose from just a dog that makes me feel so much better. They are the ones I share my secrets with, my hopes, my dreams. I'd rather be hanging out with "just" a dog than the majority of the people in this world.

The dogs and I have been playing outside as often as we can manage in this summer's humid heat. Poor Bamm tends to overheat rather quickly with his longer dark seal coat so after a few minutes of outdoor activities he's generally ready to throw in the towel. I managed to get a few good photos of both dogs the other day while I was working on my action photography. I must admit, I'm not amazing at taking action photos, but at least the majority of them were in focus. 

I know it must seem crazy to some that I have 2 dogs already and yet I'm pining for a third. Hell, when I brought Cricket home I got plenty of the, "You already have a dog, why do you need another one?" or "Oh you got a puppy? What happened to Bamm?" What do you mean what happened to Bamm? He's still here lying at my feet with plenty of life left in him. Did they think I rehomed him to bring a younger dog into the household? Did they think he passed on or something? Is it so hard to understand that maybe someone might just want more than one dog in their household? Besides, what business is it of anyone else's whether I have one dog, two dogs or even 5? It shouldn't matter to them. It's not like my dogs are living in their house.

Sure having a second dog has had it's minor challenges at times, but more than that it's been a true blessing. Bamm is happier than I've ever seen him. In fact, he adores his little sister and puts up with her annoying teenage habits like the champion he is. Cricket has been a great addition to this family and I don't for one second regret the decision I made to bring her home. I got her from Mexico. She's a mexican street dog (genuine certified mutt) and I traveled from Albuquerque, NM to Arizona not too far from the Mexican border to pick her up from my friend who was fostering her. So many people said, why would you travel so far for just a dog? Why can't you adopt one from here? It's just a dog! It's just a dog! IT'S JUST A DOG!!! She's not just a dog. She's my dog.

Now that I'm mentioning the possibility of a third dog which might not actually happen until the end of 2012 or beginning of 2013 anyways, I'm already getting the rolled eyes from some of my non-doggy loving friends. Guess I should have expected that. I'm learning that no matter what you do you're never going to be able to please everyone, so it's best to do what makes you happy and what you know you can handle and forget about the people who don't understand or agree with the decision you're making. I got hype when I got Bamm too and look at him today. He's still in my life. He's really happy and I'd like to think that I'm giving him the best opportunity I can to really truly enjoy the rest of his days with us. He's never without food. He's never without shelter. He's healthy as a horse despite an IBS issue, however; that has been something we've managed well over the years and he rarely has problems with it anymore. He's got a family that absolutely loves and adores him. What more could a dog ask for?

So what about this third dog I'm pondering? I've been in love with Ibizan Hounds for at least 5 years now. At first I was merely just in awe of their beauty, but wasn't sure if I could see myself owning one. At that time I didn't really know much about the breed. Lately, they are all I can think about. Everything about the breed is exactly what I want in a dog. I love that they can be total clowns, but at the same time they can be a bit more independent than some of the breeds I've owned in the past. I love that they can generally be a little watchful of strangers at first, but still polite. I love their energy level. This is the breed that I told myself I'd love to be able to show one day. I really want to make that dream a reality. 

So, the search for the right breeder began. A friend of mine recommended me to someone she knows who shows Ibizans and just recently had her first litter. I contacted her and I've really enjoyed talking to her since. I've browsed quite a few breeder's websites and talked to a few, but I always keep coming back to this one particular breeder that my friend referred me to. Maybe it's her genuine personality that shines through in the way she talks about her dogs or about showing in general. I'm not sure exactly, but I really feel strongly that she's the person I'm supposed to get my first Ibizan from. It also really helps me feel better about being a first time sighthound owner knowing that she wont be too far away and that she'd be willing to mentor me and be there to help me if I have any questions. I really like and respect breeders that involve themselves in the lives of the puppies they produce. 

She's planning an upcoming breeding, possibly in later 2012, though they're still sorting out the details. I wont mention the breeder's name right now as she has not publicly announced this breeding yet aside from the possibility of a late 2012 breeding being in the works. She mentioned that she'd really like to place one of the show potential puppies from this future litter in my home and I'm beyond ecstatic. In fact, I'm on cloud 9 as of this moment. I'm also really looking forward to doing lure coursing with this pup. For those that don't know about coursing, it's an event for sighthounds that uses an artificial lure (often a plastic bag) attached to a motored pulley system to stimulate prey such as a rabbit moving swiftly through a field. The dogs chase after this lure as it whips around turns usually approximately between 600-1000 yards. The dogs are coursed in groups of 2 or 3 depending on how many dogs are competing that day and are judged by their overall ability, follow, speed, agility and endurance. They earn points towards various coursing titles. Coursing is a great way to keep your dog physically and mentally fit. It's also meant as a way to preserve and develop what sighthounds have been bred for thousands of years to do.

I'm really hoping I can for sure get a pup from this upcoming litter. I'm slowly trying to work my husband over on the idea. He has it in his head that it's going to be a long long while yet before we bring another dog home. He knows how much I love dogs and he knows I could easily handle having another dog, but his concerns are more dependent on where we are living at the time and how much money another dog and showing will cost. I'm working on an angle to make it more affordable and to make it so that no showing expenses come out of his paychecks. I think that if he doesn't have to worry about forking over the money himself and if we could afford it then he'd be more willing to let me live this dream and finish an Ibizan Hound with a CH and also course. As it stands, we should be able to continue paying our bills on his paychecks alone with ample money leftover for food give or take and a little to put into savings. That's without me having a job. If I get a job then my income can go towards paying off my own debt that was accrued prior to us getting married and also fund our hobbies such as my dog related stuff and his hunting stuff or any of his tools/electrical/carpentry stuff. On top of me getting a day job I'm also planning on selling my paintings and I do occasionally make money doing photography photoshoots as well. So you see, there are ways to make this work without Josh feeling like he's being drowned in dog related expenses. As long as we are able to still pay all of our bills, food expenses and still have a little money to save in addition to paying to show a dog then I don't see why we shouldn't be able to make it happen.

Hopefully in due time Josh will come around to the idea. I'd like for him to meet this breeder and her dogs since he's never met an Ibizan Hound and also to give him the opportunity to ask her any questions he may have as well. Having the chance to meet the breeder, dogs and ask his own questions might help him to get a better idea of what would be involved if I was to take on one of these dogs.

For those reading this and thinking to themselves... a show dog? Why would you pay so much to show a dog? I know it's expensive. I know that the likelihood of me ever getting any of that money back is slim to none. I'm not looking to make any money doing this. It's merely for fun and also for opportunity to be a part of something bigger. I have the opportunity to help my breeder show and compare the dogs she produces with the dogs of other breeders. It's a great way to help her see her own accomplishments and to let her know whether she is on the right track with her breeding program  and also to help her make her decisions for her next breeding. The point of her or any other respectable breeder breeding these dogs is not to make a quick buck, but to improve that breed as a whole. In fact, I don't know many respectable breeders who really make any money off their pups in the long run. Generally they are lucky to break even when you compare the amount of money that goes into showing their own dogs and the amount of money involved with whelping a litter. That however is an argument for another blog post.

But Amber, again... why would you spend so much money on just a dog? Ah, again with the "just a dog" argument. You clearly do not understand. Why would anyone spend money on anything? Why would someone spend money on photography equipment? Because they enjoy it and they want to expand their opportunities and improve their work. Why would someone spend money to beef up their car? Because that's what they enjoy and they want to show it off. Why would someone spend money on various different rifles and hunting gear? Because again, they enjoy the sport of hunting whether it's to hunt for the sake of feeding their families or not. Why would an artist spend money on paints and canvas? Why would a carpenter spend money on a hammer, nails and wood? Yes sometimes it's to help them make money, but more than that it's simply because they enjoy it. The fact of the matter is that we all put our money where our heart and passions lie. My heart lies with my dogs... those dogs that you say are just dogs. Whether that money goes towards agility, obedience, coursing, showing, vet bills, food, toys, whatever. That money is funding my passion to enjoy my dogs and for them also to enjoy a fulfilled life and do more than just lie at my feet or stay chained up outside all day and night without human interaction like some unfortunate dogs you hear about. I'm not saying there aren't dogs that are content to lie at your feet all the rest of their days, but my dogs personally enjoy getting out and having fun. Their excitement makes it worth all the money I might spend to give them that opportunity.

So the next time you get on me about sharing my life with multiple dogs or spending any amount of money on "just a dog" consider this: How many people's lives have been saved by "just a dog"? How many people with disabilities have been given the opportunity to live more normal lives because of "just a dog"? How many children have have shared their joys and laughter with "just a dog"? How many people have been greeted at the door by a wagging tail after a hard day's work by "just a dog"? How many people's hearts have been changed by "just a dog"? You can't give me a definite number of people can you? That's because "just a dog" has touched the lives of more people you can possibly ever imagine. "Just a dog" has given me a reason to live and no matter what there will always be dogs in my life. I'm always going to want to include them in everything I can. When I vacation they will be there by my side. When I run they will run alongside me. When I cry myself to sleep at night they will be there to nudge me with that ever familiar cold nose to reassure me that everything is going to be ok. Because that's what "just a dog" does.

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